Please check the personal data protection policy from time to time for possible changes.
Apartments Željka Šimuni( respects your privacy and undertakes to protect your personal data. We guarantee to our service users that we will treat all personal data as confidential information and a business secret. We do not, under any circumstances, pass on, forward or exchange any personal data or e-mail addresses of our users, which are collected through the contact form or the reservation form.
- name and surname
- e-mail address
- phone
- other mentioned data, which you want to remain confidential
- reply to your queries as efficiently as possible
- ensure provision of the desired service
- internally process our statistical data
The purpose of using the collected data is to get in touch with you in order to send you information via electronic mail, telephone, etc.
At the time of submission of your data via contact form or reservation form, you give express consent to be contacted. We collect only that personal data which has been delivered to us voluntarily and we use it exclusively for provision of our services. Following a duly provided service, this data will no longer be used without your special consent.
The data collected through the form is forwarded to the mail address of the owner of the accommodation facility.
We do not sell, rent out, nor make your personal data available to any third parties without your consent, as this is against our privacy policy. Apartments Željka Šimuni( strictly adheres to the "no spam" policy. Apartments Željka Šimuni( are not liable for any accidental error or error occurring as a result of a force majeure, or any other objective circumstances due to which accidental breach of the guaranteed protection of your data might have been committed, but they guarantee that the said error will, if possible, be removed as soon as possible.
By filling in the forms on our web page, you guarantee that the information provided is correct and that you agree to the provisions and terms contained in our privacy policy, in their entirety.
We would like to clearly state that, while visiting those web pages, your personal data remains confidential, unless you yourself wish to voluntarily disclose it. We undertake not to reveal to any third party the information received, except in the circumstances quoted in the previous section.
Our web server uses statistical software. These programmes are standard features of all web servers and are not characteristic only of our pages. Such statistical programmes enable us to adjust our web pages to be as efficient and simple as possible for our visitors (determination of the data which interests our users the most/the least, adjustment of pages for particular web browsers, our location structural efficiency and number of visits to our pages).
A cookie is a small textual data base, which some internet servers inscribe on your PC during your visits to an internet page. A cookie does not read the data from your PC the data contained in other servers' cookies, inscribed on your disc. If you have configured your internet browser in such a way, you will be warned during each cookie inscription on your PC. You can also configure your internet browser to disable cookie inscription on your PC.
When you send us electronic mail (e-mail) containing personal data by which you can be identified, either via an e-mail message with a query or comment, or via a form which you submit to us by means of electronic mail, we use this data in order to meet your requests.
For the purposes of data safety at this address and in order for us to ensure that this service is available to all the users, this computer system uses software which registers visits to the network and which recognises unauthorised attempts at data dispatch or alteration, as well as those which might inflict damage in any other way. Unauthorised attempts at data dispatch or alteration at this location are strictly forbidden.
You can require revision of all personal data which you have supplied to us at one of the e-mail address on web site, at any time. At your request, we can update, correct or remove this data, or stop using the said data in the future. Simply get in touch with us if you would like to use this entitlement.
We are doing our best to ensure that all redirection from our internet pages directs you and/or your child to internet pages whose content is quality in the sense that it does not encourage negativities. However, network pages and addresses quickly change and we cannot always guarantee the content of each address we direct you to.
Apartments Željka Šimuni( reserves the right to change or terminate any and all parts of this web location, as well as the terms of use, at any time. The changes come into force upon the relevant announcement at this address or when users have been informed about it. The terms of use are applicable until their cancellation by you or Apartments Željka Šimuni(
Should you have any questions or doubts concerning our personal data protection policy, or pertaining to your experiences with this internet address, please let us know.
Apartments Željka Šimuni(